Our girl Jill has been, under the radar, on a rampage of local comps. 2 events in the past few months and 2 podium finishes. She's modest with her improvements but she's been killing it and we're lucky to be apart of it! Excited for more of our girls, and guys, to join in on the onslaught of competitions this year.
#RobsBeingNice? #DoYouEvenNiceBro #WhatPlaceDidYouGetAtWodapalooza
Today's WOD
A.) Rope Climb Technique
B.) Power Clean + Above Knee Hang Squat Clean
C.) for time -
27 thrusters 95/66
1 rope climb
21 thrusters
1 rope climb
15 thrusters
1 rope climb
9 thrusters
1 rope climb