Benevolent Fire Delray Beach 5k


Ramping up quickly for a great 5K being run in Delray Beach right on A1A on Saturday May 16th. On Tuesdays we are going to hit some running intervals so we can gain some intensity and confidence while running. Going to put a list on the whiteboard to get as many as possible to do the run.

Today WOD 


5 mins

20 single unders

10 running in place jump rope

5 double unders

3 inch worms

1 min squat hold

20 arm circles

30 sec dead hang

A.) Muscle Up Tech

- Hollow Kips 

- hip thrusts

- transitions

(Also introducing false grip)

B.) 3 sets of ME strict chin-ups

C.) 1000m run - for time

 @ 10 mins on the clock start D.

D.) 5 rounds

every 3 minutes - Run 200m @ 85-90%

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