2015 Regionals WOD #1


Saturday night and still throwing down. It was the 13th session of the week for some of us. Five 2-a-days with a 3-a-day thrown in mid week, and we're still punching PRs in the face. In the pursuit of being better we refuse to quit. Legs were fried and Ben was still pulling 235lbs snatches over head. Hit a 300lbs clean. Tara banging away at 150lbs snatches and 195lbs cleans.  OH yah.. And pitbulls are ticklish, don't let them tell you any different. #TheGrindContinues 

Today's WOD

A.) back squat

5x5 @ 70%

B.) 2015 regionals WOD #1 / HERO WOD

"Randy" - 7 minute cap

75 power snatches 75/55

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