2015 Regionals WOD #3


Let me catch some of you "running cherry pickers" not showing up today because that's what's programmed.. And I'll program this workout for the next 3 weeks straight. Every single day. So if you think you've skipped running workouts on purpose, I've noticed ;) and let's not have a 3 week repeat.. 

There was 90 people in the gym today entirely, I'll give a 25 person buffer for tomorrow.. If less that 65 people show.... Problems :x

Because this workout is nasty. Let's get a real taste of what everyone at regionals is going to experience this year.  

Today's WOD

2015 regionals WOD #3 - 26 minute cap

1 mile run

50 overhead squat 

100 sit-ups

150 double unders

50 sumo deadlift high pull

100 box jump over 24"/20"

Rx+ : 135/95/GHD sit-ups

RX : 95/65

Scaled : 75/55

Don't get ahead of yourself either with "100  BOX JUMP OVERS???!? IS THIS A JOKE!" ... Get that far first ;) 

Step your game up and shut me up already.

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