Memorial Day Murph . 10am ONLY on Monday


Today is a day we train for our military, like our military. We will not give up when shit gets tough. We will continue to push on, just like those that serve our countries do for us every day. If you are not a veteran, put yourself in their shoes everyday you wake up. Don't take the easy way out, and look to do more than you thought possible.

Today's WOD


1 mile run

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 air squats

1 mile run

If you have a 20lbs vest or a backpack that you want to fill with dumbbells.. Sack up and let's get to work

***10am ONLY for this workout. 1 class of savagery. Closed for the rest of the day. We'll be walking to the beach right when we all finish. Bring anything you'd like to drink or eat.

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