Yeah, but I scaled


"Dude, that was awesome, way to fight through"

..."yeah, but I scaled"

As if scaling is for the weak and the untrained...

Read this post(link at bottom). I don't give a sht whether you modified every movement, added 40lbs for an RX +, or jumped rope for an hour... Go as hard as possible at every opportunity that arises, and you will gain respect from more than myself.


Today's WOD

A.) push press

3 rep max, from floor


B.) 14 min AMRAP

10 dumbbell clean n jerk 55/35

10 burpee box jumps 24"/20"

10 dumbbell squat snatch 55/35

30 double unders

Nick S. With 570x3 on deadlift today. Video on Instagram #CrossFitHYPE

Nick S. With 570x3 on deadlift today. Video on Instagram #CrossFitHYPE

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