Crush Games qualifier #1


Getting our first taste of crush games this year. We already have a few teams and individuals signed up.. After Bad Bitches we're going full force on the road to crush.


Today's WOD

A.) front squat

5x3 @ 81-85%


B.) 2015 crush games qualifier #1

10 min cap


8 cleans 85/135

15 wall balls

8 cleans 95/155

15 wall balls

8 cleans 115/185

15 wall balls

8 cleans 125/205

15 wall balls------ tie break time

8 cleans 135/225

15 wall balls

8 cleans 145/245

15 wall balls

8 cleans 155/265

15 wall balls

8 cleans 165/275

15 wall balls

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