As unreal of a statistic that has ever existed. Margin of victory = untouchable. USA dominates female gymnastics.
Today's WOD
A.) STRENGTH WOD - overhead work
3 min AMRAP
ME : strict press
2 mins rest
3 min AMRAP
ME : push press
2 mins rest
3 min AMRAP
ME : push jerk
RX+: 135/85 - 185/125 - 225/155
RX : 115/70 - 135/95 - 165/110
SC : 95/60 - 115/75 - 135/95
B.) accessory work - not for time
3 rounds
15 barbell row
10 good morning
7 btn (push) press
12 weighted lying leg raises
Simone Biles - olympic all around champion