
Me looking for, motorized, rollable beds that I can drive around on because of how sore I am from this week...



Today's WOD

- butterfly technique -


20 min AMRAP

400m run

Max rep pullups *

*set must be completed unbroken. Once you come off of set and touch the ground, you must go an complete 400m run before beginning another set. Your score is the amount of pullups completed. Least amount of sets is the tie breaker.

A dice rolling style workout where it's go big and run less, or stay with small consistent sets and run more. The choice is yours to see how many total reps you can complete. Also keep in mind what your training purpose is... Do you want to work max effort sets to get better at big sets, or do you want to work on efficiency under more fatigue. Looking for consistency with running and set amount (working at 70% of max effort the entire workout).. The choice is yours!

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