5th fittest team in region

Something special.


Hard to put in to words the amount of effort it has taken to create who we are and what we have.


It's endless. No settling. There are no days off. Everyone a part of this team trains in here every single day and we try our hardest to make everyone that steps through the door feel our passion.


It is every member, drop in, family member, coach, visitor and beyond, that we are trying to make proud.


5th fittest team in the southeast, 46th fittest team in the world. @crossfitgames regionals is in Atlanta from June 2-4th... and better believe #WeComin












Mondays WOD

a.) back squat

5x3@ 81%

b.) "nasty girls" 

50 air squats

7 ring muscle ups

11 hang cleans 135/95

rx+ : nasty girls V2


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