People's champ

Jenny "The People's Champ" Hunt GOT IT DONE.


After endlessssss hours of making adjustments, doing muscle up segmented work, modifications, strict accessory... she's got it.


Set a goal. Don't give up until you've completed it. "Failure" means nothing more than a way it didn't work... try another way. And try again. Some day it is bound to happen.










Tuesday's WOD


A.) 0:00-20:00




Clean and jerk


RX : 135/95, adding 20/10lbs to lift every 2 minutes


*if you fail lift, you have entire 2 minutes to complete lift. If you do not complete that weight, go back two previous weights and hit clean and jerk doubles to finish 20minutes out.



3 minute rest



B.) 7 min cap


2015 regional team event 3 _ 1


800m run

50 wall balls 20/14
